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dataframe fill empty column values based on values with same index (using PANDAS)

I have the following dataframe where the index is the tag# . I want to fill all of the NaN values in the sound column with the correct values based on matching indexes.

        pet    sound
11      cat 
11      cat    meow
11      cat    meow
15      bird   tweet
8       pig    oink
5       dog 
8       pig 
8       pig 
8       pig 
5       dog    woof
5       dog    woof
11      cat    meow

I want the dataframe to look like this

        pet    sound
11      cat    meow
11      cat    meow
11      cat    meow
15      bird   tweet
8       pig    oink
5       dog    woof
8       pig    oink 
8       pig    oink 
8       pig    oink 
5       dog    woof
5       dog    woof
11      cat    meow

Try with groupby apply on level 0 and ffill + bfill each group:

df = df.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda g: g.ffill().bfill())
       pet  sound
11     cat   meow
11     cat   meow
11     cat   meow
11     cat   meow
15    bird  tweet
8      pig   oink
8      pig   oink
8      pig   oink
8      pig   oink
5      dog   woof
5      dog   woof
5      dog   woof

Complete Working Example:

import pandas as pd
from numpy import nan

# Re-create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'tag#': [11, 11, 11, 15, 8, 5, 8, 8, 8, 5, 5, 11],
    'pet': ['cat', 'cat', 'cat', 'bird', 'pig', 'dog', 'pig',
            'pig', 'pig', 'dog', 'dog', 'cat'],
    'sound': [nan, 'meow', 'meow', 'tweet', 'oink', nan, nan,
              nan, nan, 'woof', 'woof', 'meow']

df = df.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda g: g.ffill().bfill())

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