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profile kubectl using pprof

In the kubernetes source code there is a block of code that handles the profiling part but I can not acces the endpoints:

in kubernetes/pkgs/kubelet/server/stats/server.go

func (s *Server) InstallProfilingHandler(enableProfilingLogHandler bool, enableContentionProfiling bool) {
    if !enableProfilingLogHandler {
        s.restfulCont.Handle(pprofBasePath, getHandlerForDisabledEndpoint("profiling endpoint is disabled."))

    handlePprofEndpoint := func(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) {
        name := strings.TrimPrefix(req.Request.URL.Path, pprofBasePath)
        switch name {
        case "profile":
            pprof.Profile(resp, req.Request)
        case "symbol":
            pprof.Symbol(resp, req.Request)
        case "cmdline":
            pprof.Cmdline(resp, req.Request)
        case "trace":
            pprof.Trace(resp, req.Request)
            pprof.Index(resp, req.Request)

    // Setup pprof handlers.
    ws := new(restful.WebService).Path(pprofBasePath)
    ws.Route(ws.GET("/{subpath:*}").To(handlePprofEndpoint)).Doc("pprof endpoint")

    if enableContentionProfiling {

I do not know the port used by the pprof tool but I found it using:

controller-0:/home/sysadmin/go/bin# netstat -atlpn | grep kubelet
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      184856/kubelet      
tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED 184856/kubelet      
tcp6       0      0 :::10250                :::*                    LISTEN      184856/kubelet 

Then I have tried

controller-0:/home/sysadmin/go/bin# ./go tool pprof  http://localhost:6443/debug/pprof/mutex
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://localhost:6443/debug/pprof/mutex
http://localhost:6443/debug/pprof/mutex: server response: 400 Bad Request
failed to fetch any source profiles

Is there anyone that knows what should I try to access the pprof endpoints? or how to try a different approach to profile the kubelet process?


$ kubectl proxy &
Starting to serve on
$ go tool pprof "http://localhost:8001/api/v1/nodes/${NODE}/proxy/debug/pprof/profile"

When you start kubectl proxy , all requests to http://localhost:8001/api/v1/nodes/${NODE}/proxy/ go to the kubelet running on the ${NODE} . You can add any path you want and it. Let it be /debug/pprof/profile or debug/pprof/heap or whatever you want.

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