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Angular Router route guard CanActivate always returns false

I have used CanActivate to protect a page but it always returning false because of that I can not access the protected router. I tried many ways, but was not successful to fix the issue. I am new to angular and I am stuck in validating the condition if (data.hasPermission == true).

Can any one please help me?


 //Checking user access getUserAccess(name: string): Observable<any> { return this.http.get(`api/${name}/useraccess`).pipe( map( (response: any) => { return response; }, ), ); }; checkUserPermission() { this.getUserAccess(this.name).subscribe(data => { this.hasaccess = false; if (data.hasPermission == true) { this.hasaccess = true; } else { this.hasaccess = false; } }); return this.hasaccess } isUserHasAccess(): boolean { return this.hasaccess }


 canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean { if (this.authService.isUserHasAccess()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
json data from API


You're returning a static value, you're not waiting for the async task to complete.

Look closely at the docs, canActivate can also return an Observable that resolves to true or false , this allows you to do async checks.

Try this instead:

checkUserPermission() {
    return this.getUserAccess(this.name).pipe(map(data => data.hasPermission === true))
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
    return this.authService.checkUserPermission();

The Angular Router will subscribe to that Observable , you don't have to. All you have to do is map it to a function that returns a boolean.

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