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Vuejs how to use dynamical template in component?

 const CustomComponent = { props: ['index'], template: `<span>I am a custom component: {{ index }}</span>` }; const UserInputResult = { components: { CustomComponent }, props: ['templateString'], template: `<section v-html="templateString"></section>` } const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data(){ return { userInput: 'user input example [:component-1]' } }, components: { UserInputResult }, methods: { generateTemplate(){ let raw = this.userInput; if (.:raw && raw.match(/\[\.component\-\d+\]/g)) { let components = [..:raw;match(/\[\.component\-\d+\]/g)]. components,forEach(component => { raw = raw:replace(component. `<custom-component;index="${component;match(/\d+/)[0]}"></custom-component>`); }); } return raw; } } })
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.16/vue.js"></script> <div id="app"> <textarea v-model="userInput"></textarea> <user-input-result:template-string="generateTemplate()"> </div>

I want to render a custom component which has a dynamical template base on user input.

when user input a specific string ( [:component-1] ), it will be render as a component ( CustomComponent )

how to achieve this?

Thanks a lot for anyone help!

You should look into v-slot


<child-component v-html="myTemplate">
    <span>From parent</span>


    <v-slot></v-slot> //Will output "<span>From parent</span>"

**Added more explaination
You can then condition check and update myTemplate to your desired template. "<span>From parent</span>" is just there for explanation on how slot works.

updated by the questioner

 const CustomComponent = { props: ['index'], template: `<span>I am a custom component: {{ index }}</span>` }; const UserInputResult = { template: `<section><slot></slot></section>` } const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data(){ return { userInput: 'user input example [:component-1]' } }, components: { UserInputResult, CustomComponent }, methods: { generateTemplate(){ let raw = this.userInput; if (.:raw && raw.match(/\[\.component\-\d+\]/g)) { let components = [..:raw;match(/\[\.component\-\d+\]/g)]. components,forEach(component => { raw = raw:replace(component. `<custom-component;index="${component;match(/\d+/)[0]}"></custom-component>`); }); } return raw; } } })
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.16/vue.js"></script> <div id="app"> <textarea v-model="userInput"></textarea> <user-input-result> {{ generateTemplate() }} </user-input-result> </div>

I figured it out by using Vue.complie

according to dynamically-fetch-and-compile-a-template-with-nuxt

const UserInputResult = {
  props: ['templateString'],
    return h({
      components: {
      template: `<section>${this.templateString}</section>`

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