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Props not being saved to a local state in vue components

( follow-up ).



props are intended to be saved to a local object (for later use) and rendered from there. It should look/behave like:


("Books" and "Movies" are both draggable).

First working case:

  <div class="inventory-section-component">
    <draggable v-model="itemSectionProps.itemSectionCategory">
          v-for="category in itemSectionProps.itemSectionCategory"
          <!-- <p>{{ category.itemSectionCategoryName }}</p>  -->
          <inventory-section-group-component :itemSectionGroupData="category">



but uses props directly and does not take into account mutations:


The second example:

  <div class="inventory-section-component">
    <draggable v-model="this.itemSectionData.itemSectionCategory">
          v-for="category in this.itemSectionData.itemSectionCategory"
          <inventory-section-group-component :itemSectionGroupProps="category">

saves props to a local object itemSectionData but the output no longer gets rendered:


First define itemSectionData as an empty object in your data method.

    data() {
      return {
        itemSectionData: {}

Then define a watcher for the prop itemSectionProps being passed to the component and assign it's values to the newly defined variable itemSectionData like such:

    watch: {
    itemSectionProps: {
      handler() {
        this.itemSectionData = this.itemSectionProps;

You can then use the new variable within the component

Check this out https://codesandbox.io/s/dreamy-sun-smexc?file=/src/components/InventorySectionC.vue:1117-1242

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