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Change data.frame values to %

How can I replace the values of a df which contains NA values, to the percentage of the contribution to the sum of the row?


# dummy df
a <- c("x","y","z")
b <- c(10,5,2)
c <- c("NA",1,"NA")
d <- c("NA",4,8)

dummy <- data.frame(a,b,c,d)
a b c
x 10 NA NA
y 5 1 4
z 2 NA 8

What I want:

a b c
x 100% NA NA
y 50% 10% 40%
z 20% NA 80%

First, it's better to use explicit NAs and not strings that say "NA".

Second, you can solve this using dplyr's rowwise() and across() :


# dummy df with explict NAs
a <- c("x","y","z")
b <- c(10,5,2)
c <- c(NA,1, NA)
d <- c(NA, 4,8)
dummy <- data.frame(a,b,c,d)
dummy %>% 
  # add column of sum by row
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate(row_sum = sum(c_across(b:d), na.rm = TRUE),
         # divide each column by sum of row
         across(b:d, ~ percent(.x / row_sum))) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  # remove sum column

#  A tibble: 3 x 4
#   a     b     c     d    
#   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 x     100%  NA    NA   
# 2 y     50%   10%   40%  
# 3 z     20%   NA    80% 

You can simply do,

cbind.data.frame(dummy[1], 10 * (dummy[-1]))

#  a   b  c  d
#1 x 100 NA NA
#2 y  50 10 40
#3 z  20 NA 80

NOTE: Your columns must be numeric

You can also use this:


dummy %>%
  mutate(across(b:d, ~ ifelse(.x != "NA", paste0(as.numeric(.x) * 10, "%"), .x)))

  a    b   c   d
1 x 100%  NA  NA
2 y  50% 10% 40%
3 z  20%  NA 80%

i worked arround the problem by removing the first column, replacing the the NA with 0, doing the calculation and then reattaching the first column.

dummy[is.na(dummy)] <- 0 # sets na's as zeros

header <- dummy[1] # stores 1st column

df <- round(dummy[-1]/rowSums(dummy[-1])*100,digits=3) # calculates the %

df <- cbind(header,dummy) # joins 1st column to the results 

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