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Can't write image data to path in laravel 8 using the Intervention library

I'm Using Laravel 8 and I'm Facing this error.

Can't write image data to path (/home/u520518518/domains/dev.peacockindia.in/public_html/public/Backend/Image/Brand/2003012866_Brand-Image_Mobile_jpg)

This is My Code

    $image = $request->file('logo');
    $img   = rand().'_'.'Brand-Image'.'_'.$request->title.'_'.$image->getClientOriginalExtension();
    $loc   = public_path('Backend/Image/Brand/'.$img);
    $brand->logo   = $img;
 $image = $request->file('image');
        $slug = Str::slug($request->name);
        if (isset($image))
            $currentDate = Carbon::now()->toDateString();
            $imagename = $slug.'-'.$currentDate.'-'. uniqid() .'.'. $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
            if (!file_exists('storage/uploads/employee-images'))
            $imagename = "default.png";

I tried this

$loc   = 'Backend/Image/Brand/'.$img;

and its worked

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