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Shiny issues when rendering highchartOutput + wordcloud2Output in the same page

I'm looking for put in the same tabPanel in my ui.R : 1 highchartOutput and 1 wordcloud2Output But only my wordcloud2Output print. I try to isolate, my highchartOutput, no problem it's run without wordcloud2Output in the same tabPanel.

Exemple :

  ui <- fluidPage(
      "Try put Wordcloud2 and Highcharter in the same page",
      id = "main_navbar",
          width = 12,
          column(width = 7, wordcloud2Output("tdb1_wordcloud", height = 620)),
          column(width = 5, highchartOutput("tdb1_myplot", height = 620)))) ))
  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$tdb1_wordcloud <- renderWordcloud2({
      wordcloud2(data.table(word = c("email","phone","visit"), freq = c(10,15,4))) })
    output$tdb1_myplot <- renderHighchart({
      x <- c(rnorm(10000), rnorm(1000, 4, 0.5))
      hchart(x, name = "data") }) }

  runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server),launch.browser = TRUE)

shiny render with wordcloud2Output + highchartOutput

If i put my 'wordcloud2Output' in comment, my highchartOutput run

shiny render with only highchartOutput

Thanks for your help!

Using uiOutput() seems to fix the issue.


ui <- fluidPage(
        "Try put Wordcloud2 and Highcharter in the same page",
        id = "main_navbar",
                width = 12,
                column(width = 7, wordcloud2Output("tdb1_wordcloud", height = 620)),
                column(width = 5, uiOutput('hc')))) ))


server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$hc <- renderUI({highchartOutput("tdb1_myplot", height = 600)})
    output$tdb1_wordcloud <- renderWordcloud2({
        wordcloud2(data.table(word = c("email","phone","visit"), freq = c(10,15,4))) })
    output$tdb1_myplot <- renderHighchart({
        x <- c(rnorm(10000), rnorm(1000, 4, 0.5))
        hchart(x, name = "data") })


runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server),launch.browser = TRUE)

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