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How do i use one to many relationship within Laravel 8 Middleware?

I have a Users and Roles table in my database. One user can have many roles . I am using Laravel 8, I want to be able to return all roles for that user within the middleware (I am using inertia.js - handleinertiarequest.php ).

Roles Table:

id role user_id
1 super_admin 3
2 admin 3
3 user 3

Users Table:

id name
1 Some name
2 Some other name
3 Joe Bloggs

User Model ( User.php ):

public function userroles()
    return $this->hasMany(Roles::class);

Roles Model ( Roles.php ):

public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

HandleInertiaRequest.php :

public function share(Request $request)
    return array_merge(parent::share($request), [
        'auth' => function () use ($request) {
            return [
                'user' => $request->user() ? [
                    'id' => $request->user()->reference,
                    'first_name' => $request->user()->first_name,
                    'last_name' => $request->user()->last_name,
                    'role_staff' => \App\Models\Roles::select('id'),
                ] : null,

Layout.vue :

{{ $page.props.auth.user.role_staff }}

So if I am logged in as Joe Bloggs ( id = 3 ), I want it to return 3 roles (or even just 1, if using the id ). But this doesn't return anything or show any errors. What am i missing here? Thanks

Use this relationship method in user modal:

public function userRoles()

Then in controller/middleware call your User modal:

$ user_roles = User::find($id)->with('userRoles')->get();

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