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How to get and restore current Settings in Autodesk Forge Viewer

I need to store/restore the values of the Settings panel. How can I do that?

I used the following but it was not successful.

In my scenario, I changed Ghost hidden objects and Display Unit , then:

let current_profile = NOP_VIEWER.profileManager.getProfileOrDefault();
let profile = new Autodesk.Viewing.Profile(current_profile);

After that, I changed Ghost hidden objects and Display Unit to some others again, then:


The solution is using viewer.getState() :

Storeing settings:

let current_state = NOP_VIEWER.getState();
let render_options = current_state.renderOptions;

Restore Settings:

let state = {renderOptions: render_options}

More Info: https://autodeskviewer.com/viewers/latest/docs/tutorial-viewer_state.html

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