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React.js how can i get subcollecion datas in firestore

It's a basic question. I can add data for each user in on users own collection. (users/user-id/notes). How can i get datas from this subcollection? I read some informations about ref.parent.parent.id, but i can't get it. Can you help me ?

my addNewNote function codes:

const uid = auth.currentUser.uid;
const notesRef = database.collection("users").doc(uid).collection("notes");

 const addNewNote = async (newNote) => {
    await notesRef.add({
      note: {
        title: newNote.title,
        content: newNote.content,

my homepage (also notes should seems here): Here, I know ->>> "database .collection("users") .doc(uid) .collection("notes") .onSnapshot((querySnapshot)" ---> this is wrong, i need to do like parent.parent.id or something like that, but i can't get it.

<div className="home">
          .onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
            querySnapshot.forEach((doc, index) => {

Also here i have uploaded an image in firestore. 在此处输入图片说明

Here my app screenshot (without firebase, with just an array), and i read them with map function.

without firebase, here codes for array: Adding note:

setNotes((prevNotes) => {
      return [...prevNotes, newNote];

Reading note with <Note/ >:

{notes.map((noteItem, index) => {
              return (


You can use security rules to make sure user can read/write their own notes only.

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /users/{userID}/notes/{noteID} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == userID;

The variables userID and noteID are wildcards that means they'll take up value of resource path being accessed.

To query the notes of current user, you can use the same query.

const notesRef = database.collection("users").doc(uid).collection("notes") 
notesRef.get().then(notesSnapshot => {
  console.log(`${notesSnapshot.size} notes fetched!`)

I solved this problem with using reactfire. It helps a lot. Thanks

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