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Get modularity class from gephi imported graph using networkx

I've imported a graphml from Gephi to NetworkX.

G = nx.read_graphml(r"pah\\EXPORTCM0606.graphml")

In Gephi I had calculated modularity class obtaining 6 main communities and I would like to get these communities now in NetworkX in order to obtain the most frequent words in their tweets. So my question is double: How can I get these modularity class communities already calculated in Gephi from G using NetworkX?

How can I then match the graph I generate, from MongoDB with the tweets and the imported graph from Gephi? Code to generate the graph from MongoDB with the tweets:

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client.CuartoMilenio06062021

import networkx as nx

G = nx.DiGraph()

for result in db.tweets.find():
     uid = result['user']['screen_name']
     if 'quoted_status' in result and 'text' in result: 
         node_attrs = {uid: {"text": result['quoted_status']['text']}}
         nx.set_node_attributes(G, node_attrs)   


I will show you a very simple example that I hope it will work. Having used used the network Power Grid.gml , included with Gephi, I calculated the modularity inside Gephi, exported the graph as graphml and read with networkx .

# read the network
import networkx as nx
G = nx.read_graphml('Power Grid.graphml')

Then giving something like G.nodes[<id>] , will list all node attributes. Below an example for the node with id 0 . When accessing the node with:


it gives us the following:

{'label': '0',
 'Modularity Class': 3,
 'size': 10.0,
 'r': 0,
 'g': 0,
 'b': 0,
 'x': -445.68524,
 'y': 141.22151}

Please note that the node has an attribute named 'Modularity Class' , that is the _modularity class computed by Gephi?. One can then eg. iterate the nodes and access Modularity class like in the following:

# Print the modularity class for each node
for u in G.nodes():
    print(G.nodes[u]['Modularity Class'])

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