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How do I make a circular effect with the left and right arrows?

Here's my code in CodePen: https://codepen.io/Krzysiek_39/pen/poNLbgx

This can probably be done with property border-radius: 50%; .

This is to look like on this website: https://www.studiointerbit.pl/kontakt/

How do I make a circular effect with the left and right arrows?

I will be very grateful for effective help.

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            <a href="#"><img src="https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900/?art" alt=""><span class="caption">Caption for slide 1</span></a>
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            <a href="#"><img src="https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900/?action" alt=""><span class="caption">Caption for slide 2</span></a>
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            <a href="#"><img src="https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900/?war" alt=""><span class="caption">Caption for slide 3</span></a>
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            <a href="#"><img src="https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900/?crime" alt=""><span class="caption">Caption for slide 4</span></a>
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            <a href="#"><img src="https://source.unsplash.com/1600x900/?drama" alt=""><span class="caption">Caption for slide 5</span></a>
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You can use ::before selector, and style it accordingly, as per the needs.

 $(document).ready(function() { $('.refresh').click(function(e) { location.reload(); }); }); //----------------------------------------- var active_img_num = 0; var slide_interval_time = 5; var slide_during_time = 2; var slide_fast_during_time = 2; var slide_timer; var num_of_img = 1; var num_of_img_tag = 1; var sliding_now = false; $ ( function() { var div_tag, a_tag, img, cap; num_of_img_tag = $(".slider_img_wrapper").length num_of_img = $(".slider_img_wrapper img").length; active_img_num = adjust_img_num(active_img_num)["img_tags"]; for (var i = 0; i < num_of_img_tag; i++) { $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(adjust_img_num(active_img_num + (Math.pow(-1, i + 1)) * Math.ceil(i / 2))["img_tags"]).css("opacity", 1); $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(adjust_img_num(active_img_num + (Math.pow(-1, i + 1)) * Math.ceil(i / 2))["img_tags"]).css("transform", "translateX(" + (100 * Math.pow(-1, i + 1) * Math.ceil(i / 2)) + "%)"); } next_img_num = adjust_img_num(active_img_num + 1)["img_tags"]; slide_timer = setInterval(slide, slide_interval_time * 1000); $(".slider_list_wrapper li").removeClass("active_slide"); $(".slider_list_wrapper li").eq(active_img_num).addClass("active_slide"); $(".slider_list").css("transition", slide_during_time + "s"); } ); function adjust_img_num(img_num) { var result = []; if (!$.isNumeric(img_num)) { result["images"] = 0; result["img_tags"] = 0; } else if (img_num < 0) { result["images"] = (num_of_img + (img_num % num_of_img)) % num_of_img; result["img_tags"] = (num_of_img_tag + (img_num % num_of_img_tag)) % num_of_img_tag; } else { result["images"] = img_num % num_of_img; result["img_tags"] = img_num % num_of_img_tag; } return result; } function search_direction(now_positon = 0, goal_position = 0) { var i = 0; while (true) { if ((goal_position % num_of_img) == adjust_img_num(now_positon + i)["images"]) { return { "plus": true, "target_num": adjust_img_num(now_positon + i)["img_tags"], "move_value": i }; } else if ((goal_position % num_of_img) == adjust_img_num(now_positon - i)["images"]) { return { "plus": false, "target_num": adjust_img_num(now_positon - i)["img_tags"], "move_value": -i }; } i++; } } function slide(next_img = next_img_num, duration = slide_during_time, easing = "easeInOutCubic") { $ ( function() { next_img = adjust_img_num(next_img)["img_tags"]; if (sliding_now) { return; } else { sliding_now = true; } var target_img_info = search_direction(active_img_num, next_img); if (Math.abs(target_img_info["move_value"]) >= 2) { move_images(active_img_num + (target_img_info["plus"] ? 1 : -1), next_img, slide_fast_during_time, "linear"); } else { move_images(next_img, next_img, duration, easing); } function move_images(next_img, target_img = next_img, duration = slide_during_time, easing = "swing") { var translateX_matrix = []; $(".slider_img_wrapper").css("transition", duration + "s"); for (var i = 0; i < num_of_img_tag; i++) { translateX_matrix = $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(i).css("transform").slice(7, -1).split(","); translateX_matrix[4] = parseInt(translateX_matrix[4]) - (target_img_info["move_value"]) * parseInt($(".slider_img_wrapper").css("width")); $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(i).css("transform", "matrix(" + translateX_matrix.join(",") + ")").css("left", "0%"); } $(".slider_list_wrapper li").removeClass("active_slide"); $(".slider_list_wrapper li").eq(target_img % num_of_img).addClass("active_slide"); setTimeout ( function() { active_img_num = adjust_img_num(target_img)["img_tags"]; next_img_num = adjust_img_num(target_img + 1)["img_tags"]; $(".slider_img_wrapper").css("transition", "0s"); for (var i = 0; i < num_of_img_tag; i++) { $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(adjust_img_num(active_img_num + Math.pow(-1, i + 1) * Math.ceil(i / 2))["img_tags"]).css("opacity", 1); $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(adjust_img_num(active_img_num + Math.pow(-1, i + 1) * Math.ceil(i / 2))["img_tags"]).css("transform", "translateX(" + (100 * Math.pow(-1, i + 1) * Math.ceil(i / 2)) + "%)"); } sliding_now = false; }, duration * 1000 ); clearInterval(slide_timer); slide_timer = setInterval(slide, slide_interval_time * 1000); } } ); } $(".slider_objects").on( "click touchend", ".prev_btn", function() { clearInterval(slide_timer); slide_timer = setInterval(slide, slide_interval_time * 1000); slide(adjust_img_num(active_img_num - 1)["img_tags"]); } ); $(".slider_objects").on( "click touchend", ".next_btn", function() { clearInterval(slide_timer); slide_timer = setInterval(slide, slide_interval_time * 1000); slide(adjust_img_num(active_img_num + 1)["img_tags"]); } ); $(document).on( "click touchend", ".slider_list", function() { var clicked_num = $(".slider_list").index(this); clicked_num = search_direction(active_img_num, clicked_num)["target_num"]; slide(clicked_num); } ); document.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function(event) { if (sliding_now) { return; } event.preventDefault(); touch_x1 = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; move_x_percent = 0; clearInterval(slide_timer); }, { passive: false } ); document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', function(event) { if (sliding_now) { return; } event.preventDefault(); touch_x2 = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; move_x_percent = (touch_x1 - touch_x2) / window.innerWidth * 100; if (false) { $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(adjust_img_num(active_img_num - 1)["img_tags"]).css("left", (-move_x_percent - 100) + "%"); $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(active_img_num).css("left", (-move_x_percent) + "%"); $(".slider_img_wrapper").eq(adjust_img_num(active_img_num + 1)["img_tags"]).css("left", (-move_x_percent + 100) + "%"); } for (var i = 0; i < num_of_img_tag; i++) { $(".slider_img_wrapper").css("left", (-move_x_percent) + "%"); } if (Math.abs(move_x_percent) >= 75) { if (touch_x1 - touch_x2 > 0) { slide(active_img_num + 1, slide_fast_during_time, "easeOutQuart"); } else { slide(active_img_num - 1, slide_fast_during_time, "easeOutQuart"); } touch_x1 = touch_x2; } }, { passive: false } ); document.addEventListener( 'touchend', function(event) { if (sliding_now) { return; } event.preventDefault(); touch_x3 = event.changedTouches[0].pageX; if (Math.abs(move_x_percent) > 30) { if (touch_x1 - touch_x2 > 0) { slide(active_img_num + 1, slide_fast_during_time, "easeOutQuart"); } else { slide(active_img_num - 1, slide_fast_during_time, "easeOutQuart"); } } else { slide(active_img_num, slide_fast_during_time, "easeOutQuart"); } move_x_percent = 0; }, { passive: false } ); //----------------------------------------- $(document).ready(function() { var NavY = $('.menu-container').offset().top; var stickyNav = function() { var ScrollY = $(window).scrollTop(); if (ScrollY > NavY) { $('.menu').addClass('sticky'); } else { $('.menu').removeClass('sticky'); } }; stickyNav(); $(window).scroll(function() { stickyNav(); }); });
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