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AWS ALB return an empty page when used with ECS

I am working on containerizing one react app & provision it using ECS cluster with alb. Everything looks great but whenever I accessing the ALB DNS in the browser it returns an empty page with 2 words only "react app" I checked health check all the backend instances are healthy and returning 200 code .

I have used the ec2 instances IP address in the browser and the page loaded completely.

It seem issue with the alb, why not loaded the complete page

It should be a problem on how you have configured the DockerFile. You would have added some default route to nginx configuration which displays 'react app'.

To debug, please try to run the DockerFile from your local using Docker Desktop and see if you are able to browse the react app.

If it works fine in your local then for sure 100% it'll work in ECS without any problem.

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