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Required param state missing from persistent data

I've an issue with php-graph-sdk, I've those functions

 protected function getFacebook()
        static $facebook = null;
        if($facebook == null){
            $facebook =  new Facebook\Facebook([
                'app_id' => $this->getAppId(),
                'app_secret' => $this->getAppSecret(),
                'default_graph_version' => 'v2.10'
        return $facebook;
public function getLoginUrl($url)
        $fb = $this->getFacebook();
        $helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
        $autorisations = ['email']; 
        return $helper->getLoginUrl($url , $autorisations);
 public function callback(&$error = null)
        $fb = $this->getFacebook();
        $helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
        try {
            $accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken();
        } catch(Facebook\Exception\ResponseException $e) {
            // When Graph returns an error
            $error = 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
            return false;
        } catch(Facebook\Exception\SDKException $e) {
            // When validation fails or other local issues
            $error = 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
            return false;

And I do

 $url = $Facebook->getLoginUrl(URL);

And in the callback file

$token = $Facebook->callback($error);

When I click on the link, the callback file is executed and $helper->getAccessToken(); causes this error: Uncaught Facebook\\Exceptions\\FacebookSDKException: Cross-site request forgery validation failed. Required param "state" missing from persistent data.

I've seen posts about that and no fix works for me

EDIT: What I've found currently is that: Facebook SDK error: Cross-site request forgery validation failed. Required param "state" missing from persistent data Cross-site request forgery validation failed required param state missing from persistent data and https://github.com/facebookarchive/php-graph-sdk/issues/1123 https://github.com/facebookarchive/php-graph-sdk/issues/1134

最后,我通过在 config.php ini_set('session.cookie_samesite','Lax');添加,将相同站点切换到 Lax 解决了我的问题ini_set('session.cookie_samesite','Lax');

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