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How to get return from value from a google script url in javascript

The code below is my google script code. When I simply paste the URL on the browser it is returning a value. but when I try to get the value using javascript. it returns null

Google script

function doGet(e) {
  var array = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1qwSU2YVuGea3Dg06yUpUkyhV1Hn-Qf3YshgZkEnJoBo')
  return ContentService.createTextOutput(array[0]);


var url_string = "https://script.googleusercontent.com/macros/echo?user_content_key=1AxKHAUiqHNfdbnLALqbmxIoGLQuLR7qjSR7NxCDxgyqacFzuIovzOSyRyu0xkwpe7TF7qJcKknkuPYhV_apY6L9ikxPUB7em5_BxDlH2jW0nuo2oDemN9CCS2h10ox_1xSncGQajx_ryfhECjZEnMy8zAZf_PeEgqhQVTSu0Ty9Drtp1yaLkXH9-vnTbcP-gooKnCg3eBY8k9BT1tmvR4PZc_4F8_fJkoGWxUlugKqNYjOEVPmtwA&lib=M9OCNb7KeZyOBiWrcHIwQiTdKF1_8u-qf"; 
var url = new URL(url_string);
var c = url.searchParams.get("");
var c = url.

使用 method = "Get" 使用 UrlFetchApp.fetch() 访问它,然后使用 response.getContentText() 获取返回。

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