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How do I create a skip command for discord music bot in discord.py?

I tried making a Discord bot with discord.py . I'm at the skip command section. I have finished the other parts like play and queue commands.

I tried using the command self.vc.stop() to stop the song and skip to the next one but it didn't work, can anyone help me? Here is the detailed skip command I did:

class music_cog(commands.Cog):
   # all the stuff over here
   async def skip(self, ctx):
       if self.vc != "":
           # plays the next song
           await self.play_music()

I'm not familiar with what you are trying to do but it looks like MrSpaar's answer might help you.

Depending on how you implemented play_music() , you should use the after argument of vc.play() . Here is the snippet that was provided:

import asyncio

def play_next(ctx, source):
    if len(self.song_queue) >= 1:
        del self.song_queue[0]
        vc = get(self.bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
        vc.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(source=source, after=lambda e: play_next(ctx))
        asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(ctx.send("No more songs in queue."))

The key here is to use skip() as a lambda for after from what I understood.

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