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AWS authorizer returns 500, message: null, with AuthorizerConfigurationException error in response

I've spent the better part of today trying to make authorizers work, I've checked multiple examples and they all seem to be doing the same thing my code does.

I use serverless framework here's the authorization code:

exports.handler = function (event: APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent): APIGatewayAuthorizerResult {
    const authorizer = new Authorizer();

    try {
        if (!event.authorizationToken) throw new Error("No token");

        const token = event.authorizationToken.split(" ")[1];
        const decodedData = authorizer.verifyToken(token) as unknown as User;
        const policy = generatePolicy(token, event.methodArn);

        return {
            context: {
                user: JSON.stringify(decodedData),
    } catch (err) {
        throw "Unauthorized";

const generatePolicy = (principalId: string, methodArn: string) => {
    return {
        policyDocument: {
            Version: "2012-10-17",
            Statement: [
                    Action: "execute-api:Invoke",
                    Effect: "Allow",
                    Resource: methodArn,

and here's the serverless config

const serverlessConfiguration: AWS = {
service: "user-crud",
frameworkVersion: "2",
custom: {
    webpack: {
        webpackConfig: "./webpack.config.js",
        includeModules: true,
plugins: ["serverless-webpack"],
provider: {
    name: "aws",
    runtime: "nodejs14.x",
    region: "eu-west-1",
    apiGateway: {
        minimumCompressionSize: 1024,
        shouldStartNameWithService: true,
    environment: {
    lambdaHashingVersion: "20201221",

functions: {
    jwtAuthorizer: {
        handler: "src/api/authorizer.handler",
        name: "jwtAuthorizer",
    get: {
        name: "get",
        handler: "src/api/get.handler",
        role: "arn:aws:iam::109394173706:role/dynamodb_cloudwatch_full",
        events: [
                http: {
                    path: "get",
                    method: "get",
                    cors: true,
                    authorizer: "jwtAuthorizer",


I always get 500 response when the token is correct and I return the object, so I guess there's something wrong with the return object?

If the token is incorrect and I throw "Unauthorized" then I get back the correct 401 response.


Well, there are some other reasons for getting,

    message : null

error from Api Gateway. I had a very hard time identifying mine.

  1. The API Gateway might lack permission to invoke the authorizer lambda. Make sure you add Lambda Invoke Role for your authorizer
  2. You should not modify the request context (not talking about response context) . Whenever I try, I get Execution failed due to configuration error: Invalid JSON in response: Unrecognized field "headers", not marked as ignorable in Api Gateway Logs. You have to tackle it by adding cors with explicit mention of those headers
  3. The return policy should comply with the Lambda response 1.0 version. If you want to use boolean based return, you must enable lambda response 2.0
  4. If you have updated the authorizer lambda function name or something, it is better to delete the RestApiGateway and create again. The changes might not get updated in CloudFront properly sometimes.
  5. The response context you give will allow only String, Number or Boolean types. Example,

 function allowPolicy(methodArn) { console.log("Allow Policy") return { "principalId": "apigateway.amazonaws.com", "policyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "execute-api:Invoke", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": methodArn } ] }, "context": { "stringValue": "blablabla", "numberValue": 10, "booleanValue": true, } }; }

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