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How to convert automl model ( using autosklearn ) to pmml?

II have already completed learning using autosklearn.calssification.AutoSklearnClassifer(). I want to convert the trained model to PMML. After changing the SimpleClassificationPipeline to the sklearn pipeline in the trained model, I used the sklearn2pmml library, but it did not work. How can I convert a model trained through autosklearn into PMML?




You appear to be using the SkLearn2PMML package for Scikit-Learn to PMML conversion work.

AutoML uses custom transformer and estimator types in the fitted pipelines. The SkLearn2PMML package does not support them yet (for a list of supported types, see here ), so it fails with an error.

In principle, AutoML support can be added to SkLearn2PMML, but it would require some development work. If you're interested in seeing that happen, please consider opening a proper feature request with the project.

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