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“Unknown response prefix: 'H'” when connecting to redis in laravel

I have tried "telnet 80" and using redis-commander. Everthing works perfectly fine but when run the code, it shows "Unknown response prefix: 'H'". Here's my code:

$redisResultData = \RedisServer::connection('td_slave')->PING();


'aliases' => [
   'RedisServer' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis::class


'td_slave' => [
            'host' => '',
            'password' => null,
            'port' => 80,
            'database' => 0,

Error msg:

"Unknown response prefix: 'H'. [tcp://], file:/var/www/melon_back_member/vendor/predis/predis/src/Connection/AbstractConnection.php, line:167"

When I try this:


It shows:


如果您在laradock实例中使用HHVM作为 PHP 编译器,请将laradock更改为PHP-FPM ,它应该可以正常工作。

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