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Oracle APEX: How can I hide IG APEX$ROW_SELECTOR programmatically

Is there a way to hide APEX$ROW_SELECTOR programmatically to make it read only when a certain condition is met?

For example if I do a check for a value of a hidden page item on page load and based on the value of that page item what to hide selector column in my grid

I am not sure why you want this to be done programatically when we have an easy solution.

You can Hide/Show using the the Server-side condition of the column (Refer screenshot)


In this example if the Page Item (P44_SHOW_HIDE_RS) is 'Y' then the APEX$ROW_SELECTOR column will be visible else it will be hidden.

You can try out this link https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/workspace_akil/r/test/hide-show-row-selector

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