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Is it possible to mock / stub methods of the same test class with ScalaMock?

With Mockito and other testing frameworks there are usually ways to mock functionality of a method within the test class. I couldn't seem to get ScalaMock to accept the same way.

class A {
 def methodUnderTest()
 def methodUsedInMethodUnderTest()

Then in the test class I'm:

(A.methodUsedInMethodUnderTest _)
a.methodUnderTest shouldEqual ..

I know that if you are mocking / stubbing out the class and then calling the same functionality on a real instance this won't work. But there are workarounds by using mocks for both calls etc.

If this is the wrong approach, what would be the best way to test a method that uses other methods in the same test class? I thought that decoupling the methods was the best practice.


If I understand your question correctly, you can create a mock of A and then tell ScalaMock to execute the real implementation of methodUnderTest .

val aMock = mock[A]


aMock.methodUnderTest shouldEqual someOtherValue

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