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Curved text Jetpack compose

I want to create curved text in Jetpack Compose like it was in "Material You". But how? Example: 钟

You can do this using Canvas . Compose itself does not have a function to draw a curved text (afaik in rc-01). But using drawIntoCanvas function you can use the nativeCanvas which provides drawTextOnPath where you can draw a text in a Path . In this Path you add an arc, so your text is drawn in this path.

    modifier = Modifier
) {
    drawIntoCanvas {
        val textPadding = 48.dp.toPx()
        val arcHeight = 400.dp.toPx()
        val arcWidth = 300.dp.toPx()
        val path = Path().apply {
            addArc(0f, textPadding, arcWidth, arcHeight, 180f, 180f)
            "Curved Text with Jetpack Compose",
            Paint().apply {
                textSize = 16.sp.toPx()
                textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER

Here's the result:


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