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How to change header names and note generated by stargazer?

How do I customize the header names "panel linear", "coefficient test"? In the package Stargzer?

I'm open to using another package as well to present panel model summary data results.

  stargazer(random2, Rmodel3, 
      type='latex',header = FALSE,
      column.labels = c("RE", "RSE"))


A clean solution using stargazer for me is to set model.names = FALSE , and then adding, as you have done, column.labels .

# library;

# run some random models;
model_1 <- lm(
        mpg ~ am, data = mtcars

model_2 <- glm(
        mpg ~ cyl, data = mtcars

# Print stargazer output; 
        model_1, model_2,
        column.labels = c("\\textit{OLS}", "\\textit{MLE}"),
        model.names = FALSE,
        type = "text" # Remember to change this to 'latex'.

Which gives the following output

                          Dependent variable:       
                             OLS              MLE   
                             (1)              (2)   
am                         7.245***                 
cyl                                        -2.876***
Constant                  17.147***        37.885***
                           (1.125)          (2.074) 
Observations                  32              32    
R2                          0.360                   
Adjusted R2                 0.338                   
Log Likelihood                              -82.653 
Akaike Inf. Crit.                           169.306 
Residual Std. Error    4.902 (df = 30)              
F Statistic         16.860*** (df = 1; 30)          
Note:                    *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

I'm a huge fan of stargazer , but it is, from time to time, tedious to work with.

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