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ASP.NET MVC HTML.Beginform is not calling the right action

I am well aware that there are similar question to my question but it they does not answer my question properly.

My main problem is that whenever I click the update button in my view this is where it brings me to


but I want it to take me to


Here is the code of my back-end

public ActionResult AdminDashboard()
    QTableEntities db = new QTableEntities();

    return View(db.QTables.ToList());

public ActionResult UpdateTotalServed(DateTime Start, DateTime End)
    QTableEntities db = new QTableEntities();

    var a = db.QTables.Where(x => x.QDate > Start).ToList();
    var b = a.Where(x => x.QDate < End).ToList();

    return View("AdminDashboard", b);

and here is the code of my front-end

@using (Html.BeginForm("UpdateTotalServed", "Clique", FormMethod.Post))
    <br><label for="">FROM</label>
    @Html.TextBox("Start", null, new { type = "date" })
    <label for="">TO</label>
    @Html.TextBox("End", null, new { type = "date" })
    <input type="submit" , class="btn btn-month-year" value="UPDATE" />

GOT my answers: I had

I think you're missing


attribute on your update method

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