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React: loading two different images for mobile and desktop

Inside a React app, I need to load two different versions of the same image on mobile and desktop. Both images are long SVG files. For this I created an extra component called MySvgImage.js , which contains the code for both SVG files.

Now inside another component, where I want to render the image, I'm importing MySvgImage.js and render.

But how can I show one SVG image for mobile and the other for desktop? What would be a good approach?

you could use this npm package

install it using :

npm install react-responsive

an example of what you would do :

const Example = () => (
    <h1>Device Test!</h1>
    <MediaQuery minDeviceWidth={1224} device={{ deviceWidth: 1600 }}>
      <img src="first image/>
    <MediaQuery minResolution='2dppx'>
      <img src="second image/>

Old post, but for future visitors, you could try the Picture element . So your use-case would look something like this (using @media queries):

    <!-- Desktop use-case -->
    <source srcset="/path/to/desktop.svg" media="(min-width: 1240px)">
    <!-- Mobile use case will be the default (could always swap them) -->
    <img src="/path/to/mobile.svg" alt="" />

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