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Write function to perform conditional summarize in R using named list

I am trying to write a function that takes a tibble and a list of filter specifications and performs a conditional summarize based on those filter specifications.

# Sample DF with a column to summarize and 2 ID columns.
df <- tibble(
    to_summarize = c(1, 2, 8, 9),
    ID1 = c('A', 'A', 'C', 'A'),
    ID2 = c('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'X')

We can conditionally summarize using both IDs (returns 10), or using 1 ID (returns 12).

df %>%
        total1 = sum(to_summarize[ID1 == 'A' & ID2 == 'X']),
        total2 = sum(to_summarize[ID1 == 'A'])

I want to allow the same flexibility within a function. The user should be able to provide a list of filters or an empty list (where the summarize function would execute on the entire column, with no filtering).

I imagine the easiest way being with a named list, where each name is a column to filter on, and each value is the value to filter that column on.

filters <- list(
    ID1 = 'A',
    ID2 = 'X'

# Here is my attempt at a function to implement this:
summarise_and_filter <- function(df, filters) {
    df %>%
            total = sum(to_summarize[names(filters) == unname(unlist(filters))]))

# It does not work, it just returns zero
df %>%
        filters = filters

# I imagine the function might need to call map in some way, or perhaps imap?
map_summarise_and_filter <- function(df, filters) {
    df %>%
            total = sum(
                        ~.y == .x

# But this also returns zero
df %>%
        filters = filters

There are two operations done and one of them can be dynamically calculated

df %>%
    mutate(total2 = sum(to_summarize[ID1 == filters[['ID1']]])) %>% 
    filter(across(starts_with("ID"), ~ . == 
                filters[[cur_column()]])) %>%
    summarise(total1 = sum(to_summarize),total2 = first(total2))


# A tibble: 1 x 2
  total1 total2
   <dbl>  <dbl>
1     10     12

If we want to do this without filter , then reduce the across output to a single logical vector to subset

df %>% 
  summarise(total1 = sum(to_summarize[across(starts_with('ID'), 
   ~ . == filters[[cur_column()]]) %>% 
     total2 = sum(to_summarize[ID1 == filters[['ID1']]]))


# A tibble: 1 x 2
  total1 total2
   <dbl>  <dbl>
1     10     12

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