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Why Azure B2C app registration owned app not appearing in Enterprise Applications?

I've registered the B2C SAML app with the help from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/saml-service-provider?tabs=windows&pivots=b2c-custom-policy

I'd like to try Idp initiated sign-in using myapplications.onmicrosoft.com, but I could not find the my SAML app on myapplications list. I guess the reason being that "App registration" based SAML application is not displaying under B2C tenant active directory "Enterprise Applications" blade. In Idp Initiated myapplications.onmicrosoft.com will only shows the apps icons of enterprise applications list?

My question here,

  1. Why Azure AD B2C "App registrations" - owned SAML application is not listing under B2C tenant enterprise applications? Is this expected behaviour?

  2. If I need to use Idp initiated sign-in page for my B2C SAML application, what would be the correct approach?

I appreciate if you can shed any light on this.


Yes that is expected.

The federation style app registration(Saml or ws-Federation) is intended to provide Idp for old Apps(Saml or ws-Federation) living in other realm. As they has nothing to do with the AAD B2c, Enterprise application (local representation or service principal of the app) is not needed. Also they are pretty old protocol comparing to oath2/openid connect.

So in AAD world, you want to register you app using the default app registration, where you can choice single tenant(an enterprise application will be automatically created in the same tenant) or multiple tenant(manually create enterprise application in each tenant) and you use oath2/openid connect to initiate login.



To answer the second question, it's described here .

You need to set:

<Item Key="IdpInitiatedProfileEnabled">true</Item>

and the URL is of the form:


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