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In Laravel 8, how do I get the url of a request when unit testing?

I want to write a unit test in Laravel 8 to test a POST request that creates a new entity. In that request, a job_id is created and the url has that job_id appended. I wish to retrieve that job_id . How do I do that?

For example,

$route = route( 'job.store', $payload );
$response = $this->followingRedirects()->post( $route );

The $response should redirect to something like http://localhost:9080/sales/job/J00561 . I want to get the url so I can get job_id , being J00561 .

How do I do that?

For this case, because it is not an API and you cannot get a created job ID from the response, I suggest the following:

// create
$createResponse = $this->post(route('job.store', $payload))

// get created job by params
$job = Job::where($payload)->find();

// check creation

// assert redirect
$createResponse->assertRedirect($showRoute = route('job.show', $jobId));

Here is another way: parse the header's Location for jobId , but in my opinion it's a wrong way:

$response = $this->post(route('job.store', $payload))

$params = explode('/', parse_url($response->headers->get('Location'))['path']);

$jobId = array_pop($params);
$response->assertRedirect($showRoute = route('job.show', $jobId));

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