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JS React GLTF loader query parameters

I have the .gltf and .bin files in a azure storage account. Downloading these files requires a SAS URI that follows the pattern: https://<saName>.blob.core.windows.net/<pathToBlob>?<sas> . While I build a SAS that is valid for downloading both the .gltf and .bin files, I am running into an issue where I specify the .gltf URL to the useGLTF hook. That call goes through, but when fetching the .bin file, under the hood the loader is dropping the query params, resulting in a URL https://<saName>.blob.core.windows.net/<pathToBin> which fails.

Is there a way to make the loader keep the query parameters?

For anyone running into this, you can use the setURLModifier() . In my case, this looks as:

    const { scene, animations } = useGLTF(props.path, false, false, (loader) => {
        loader.manager.setURLModifier((url) => {
            # alter the URL and return the new value
            return url;

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