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Using getState in redux-thunk async action

I'm trying to use getState function in async action. I'm working in React with Typescript and middleware redux-thunk. I've added argument with getState as a second argument like below:

export const fetchPostsAndUsers = () => async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch<State, unknown, Action>, getState : () => State )  => {
    await dispatch(fetchPosts())
    const userIds: number[] = Array.from(new Set(getState().posts.map((post: Post) => post.userId)));
    userIds.forEach(id => dispatch(fetchUser(id)));

But I have a problem in connected component with typing this getState. Look below:

interface ConnectedProps {
    createStream: (formValues: IStream, getState? : () => State) => void,


const  StreamCreate = (props: InjectedFormProps<IStream, ConnectedProps> & ConnectedProps) => {

    const onSubmit = (formValues: IStream) => {
    const classes = useStyles();
    return (
            <Container maxWidth="sm">
                <form className={classes.root} style={{marginTop: '100px'}} onSubmit={props.handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
                    <Field name="title" label="Enter Title" component={renderInput}/>
                    <Field name="description" label="Enter description" component={renderInput}/>
                    <Button variant="contained" color="primary" type="submit" style={{marginLeft: '10px'}}>

const formWrapped = reduxForm<IStream, ConnectedProps>({
    form: "streamCreate",   // name of using form

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch) => {
    return bindActionCreators({
        }, dispatch

export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(formWrapped);

Error is in the last line:

export default connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(formWrapped);

Like on the screen below:


How can I avoid this error? What is the correct type for getState function in this case? I would be grateful for help.

Ok, sorry It was my fault. I incorrectly passed getState. Should be in return function:

export const createStream = (formValues: IStream) => {
    return async (dispatch: ThunkDispatch<void, State, Action>,  getState: () => State) => {
        const userId = getState().auth.userId;
        const response: AxiosResponse<Stream> = await streams.post<Stream>('/streams', {...formValues, userId});
        dispatch({type: ActionType.CREATE_STREAM, payload: response.data})

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