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`golangci-lint run` issue

I create a .golangci.yml in working directory, which have more linters than default, and run golangci-lint run -v but found linters are still default value, anyone encountered same issue? I have checked .golangci.yml path is correct. below is our configure value:

disable-all: true
  - bodyclose
  - deadcode
  - depguard
  - dogsled
  - dupl
  - errcheck
  - exhaustive
  - gochecknoinits
  - goconst
  - gocritic
  - gofmt
  - gomnd
  - goprintffuncname
  - gosec
  - gosimple
  - govet
  - ineffassign
  - interfacer
  - lll
  - misspell
  - nakedret
  - noctx

This yaml file isn't indented properly. try:

    - bodyclose
    - deadcode
    - depguard
    - dogsled
    - dupl
    - errcheck
    - exhaustive
    - gochecknoinits
    - goconst
    - gocritic
    - gofmt
    - gomnd
    - goprintffuncname
    - gosec
    - gosimple
    - govet
    - ineffassign
    - interfacer
    - lll
    - misspell
    - nakedret
    - noctx

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