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Selection Checkbox in React using Hooks

I have a problem selecting a single checkbox or multiple checkbox in a table in React. I'm using Material-UI. Please see my codesandbox here


I wanted to achieve something like this in the picture below:


  <TableContainer className={classes.tableContainer}>
      <TableHead className={classes.tableHead}>
          <TableCell padding="checkbox">
              inputProps={{ "aria-label": "select all desserts" }}
          {head.map((el) => (
            <TableCell key={el} align="left">
        {body?.excluded_persons?.map((row, index) => (
          <TableRow key={row.id}>
            <TableCell padding="checkbox">
              <Checkbox checked={true} />
            <TableCell align="left">{row.id}</TableCell>
            <TableCell align="left">{row.name}</TableCell>

Seems you are just missing local component state to track the checked status of each checkbox, including the checkbox in the table header.

Here is the implementation for the AddedPersons component since it's more interesting because it has more than one row of data.

  1. Create state to hold the selected persons state. Only add the additional local state, no need to duplicate the passed body prop data ( this is anti-pattern anyway ) nor add any derived state, ie is indeterminate or is all selected ( also anti-pattern ).

     const [allSelected, setAllSelected] = React.useState(false); const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState({});
  2. Create handlers to toggle the states.

     const toggleAllSelected = () => setAllSelected((t) => !t); const toggleSelected = (id) => () => { setSelected((selected) => ({ ...selected, [id]: !selected[id] })); };
  3. Use a useEffect hook to toggle all the selected users when the allSelected state is updated.

     React.useEffect(() => { body.persons?.added_persons && setSelected( body.persons.added_persons.reduce( (selected, { id }) => ({ ...selected, [id]: allSelected }), {} ) ); }, [allSelected, body]);
  4. Compute the selected person count to determine if all users are selected manually or if it is "indeterminate".

     const selectedCount = Object.values(selected).filter(Boolean).length; const isAllSelected = selectedCount === body?.persons?.added_persons?.length; const isIndeterminate = selectedCount && selectedCount !== body?.persons?.added_persons?.length;
  5. Attach all the state and callback handlers.

     return ( <> <TableContainer className={classes.tableContainer}> <Table> <TableHead className={classes.tableHead}> <TableRow> <TableCell colSpan={4}>{selectedCount} selected</TableCell> </TableRow> <TableRow> <TableCell padding="checkbox"> <Checkbox checked={allSelected || isAllSelected} // <-- all selected onChange={toggleAllSelected} // <-- toggle state indeterminate={isIndeterminate} // <-- some selected inputProps={{ "aria-label": "select all desserts" }} /> </TableCell> ... </TableRow> </TableHead> <TableBody> {body?.persons?.added_persons?.map((row, index) => ( <TableRow key={row.id}> <TableCell padding="checkbox"> <Checkbox checked={selected[row.id] || allSelected} // <-- is selected onChange={toggleSelected(row.id)} // <-- toggle state /> </TableCell> <TableCell align="left">{row.id}</TableCell> <TableCell align="left">{row.name}</TableCell> </TableRow> ))} </TableBody> </Table> </TableContainer> </> );


Seems there was a bug in my first implementation that disallowed manually deselecting people while the select all checkbox was checked. The fix is to move the logic in the useEffect into the toggleAllSelected handler and use the onChange event to toggle all the correct states. Also to add a check to toggleSelected to deselect "select all" when any person checkboxes have been deselected.

const [allSelected, setAllSelected] = React.useState(false);
const [selected, setSelected] = React.useState({});

const toggleAllSelected = (e) => {
  const { checked } = e.target;

  body?.persons?.added_persons &&
        (selected, { id }) => ({
          [id]: checked

const toggleSelected = (id) => (e) => {
  if (!e.target.checked) {

  setSelected((selected) => ({
    [id]: !selected[id]

在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明


Note: Since both AddedPersons and ExcludedPersons components are basically the same component, ie it's a table with same headers and row rendering and selected state, you should refactor these into a single table component and just pass in the row data that is different. This would make your code more DRY .

I have updated your added person table as below,

please note that I am using the component state to update the table state,

const AddedPersons = ({ classes, head, body }) => {

  const [addedPersons, setAddedPersons] = useState(
    body?.persons?.added_persons.map((person) => ({
      checked: false

  const [isAllSelected, setAllSelected] = useState(false);
  const [isIndeterminate, setIndeterminate] = useState(false);

  const onSelectAll = (event) => {
      addedPersons.map((person) => ({
        checked: event.target.checked

  const onSelect = (event) => {
    const index = addedPersons.findIndex(
      (person) => person.id === event.target.name
    // shallow clone
    const updatedArray = [...addedPersons];
    updatedArray[index].checked = event.target.checked;

    // change all select checkbox
    if (updatedArray.every((person) => person.checked)) {
    } else if (updatedArray.every((person) => !person.checked)) {
    } else {

  const numSelected = addedPersons.reduce((acc, curr) => {
    if (curr.checked) return acc + 1;
    return acc;
  }, 0);

  return (
        {numSelected > 0 ? (
          <Typography color="inherit" variant="subtitle1" component="div">
            {numSelected} selected
        ) : (
          <Typography variant="h6" id="tableTitle" component="div">
            Added Persons
      <TableContainer className={classes.tableContainer}>
          <TableHead className={classes.tableHead}>
              <TableCell padding="checkbox">
                  inputProps={{ "aria-label": "select all desserts" }}
              {head.map((el) => (
                <TableCell key={el} align="left">
            {addedPersons?.map((row, index) => (
              <TableRow key={row.id}>
                <TableCell padding="checkbox">
                <TableCell align="left">{row.id}</TableCell>
                <TableCell align="left">{row.name}</TableCell>

export default AddedPersons;

Please refer to this for a working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/redux-react-forked-cuy51

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