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Jetpack Compose & Navigation: Problems share ViewModel in nested graph

According to this example I implemented shared viewModels in a nested navigation graph.


Nested Graph:

private fun NavGraphBuilder.accountGraph(navController: NavHostController) {
      startDestination = "main",
      route = "account") {

       composable("main") {
          val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(navController.getBackStackEntry("account"))
          //... ui ...

       composable("login") {
          val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(navController.getBackStackEntry("account"))
          //... ui ...


private fun NavHost(navController: NavHostController, modifier: Modifier = Modifier){
      navController = navController,
      startDestination = MainScreen.Home.route,
      modifier = modifier
   ) {
      composable("home") { HomeScreen(hiltViewModel()) }
      composable("otherRoute") { OtherScreen(hiltViewModel()) }


private fun ButtonNav(navController: NavHostController) {
   BottomNavigation {
      val navBackStackEntry by navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState()
      val currentDestination = navBackStackEntry?.destination

      items.forEach { screen ->
            icon = { ... },
            label = { ... },
            selected = currentDestination?.hierarchy?.any { it.route == screen.route } == true,
            onClick = {
               navController.navigate(screen.route) {

                  // Pop up to the start destination of the graph to
                  // avoid building up a large stack of destinations
                  // on the back stack as users select items
                  navController.graph.startDestinationRoute?.let { route ->
                     popUpTo(route) { saveState = true }

                  // Avoid multiple copies of the same destination when
                  // re-selecting the same item
                  launchSingleTop = true

                  // Restore state when re-selecting a previously selected item
                  restoreState = true


With this setup if I naviagte to "account" (the nested graph) and back to any other route I get the error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No destination with route account is on the NavController's back stack. The current destination is Destination(0x78dd8526) route=otherRoute

Assumptions / Research Results


The exception did not occure when I remove the popUpTo(route) onClick. But then I ended up with a large stack.

lifecycle of backStackEntry

Have a look at the following:

composable("main") { backStackEntry ->
   val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(navController.getBackStackEntry("account"))
   //... ui ...

I found out when navigating back the composable which will be left will be recomposed but in this case the backStackEntry seams to have another lifecycle.currentState because if I wrap the whole composable like this:

composable("main") { backStackEntry ->
  if(backStackEntry.lifecycle.currentState == Lifecycle.State.RESUMED){
     val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(navController.getBackStackEntry("account"))
     //... ui ...

... the exception did not occure. The idea with the lifecycle issue came into my mind when I saw that the offical example has similar workarounds in place.


I actually do not know if I did something wrong or if I miss a conecept here. I can put the lifecycle-check-workaround into place but is this really as intended? Additional to that I did not find any hint in the doc regarding that.

Does anybody know how to fix that in a proper way?

Regards, Chris

There was an issue with the navigation component. It has been fixed for me with v2.4.0-alpha08

This is how you do it now but make sure you have the latest compose navigation artefacts:

private fun NavGraphBuilder.accountGraph(navController: NavHostController) {
      startDestination = "main",
      route = "account") {

       composable("main") {
          val parentEntry = remember {
          val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(parentEntry)
          //... ui ...

       composable("login") {
          val parentEntry = remember {
          val vm = hiltViewModel<AccountViewModel(parentEntry)
          //... ui ...

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