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JavaScript how to get if a button is active (after click)

I have only one button. In css you can use button:active { do stuff } and it will become valid once and after the button is clicked, so interacting with other objects (clicking on a image) will cause the statement to be null. How Can I translate this into java script? Something like that:

const Ham_Button = document.querySelector('button');

while (Ham_Button.isActive)
   do stuff

I tried this:

const Ham_Button = document.querySelector('button');

const ClickEvent = function() {
    Hidden_Nav.style.display = "block";

Ham_Button.addEventListener("click", ClickEvent);

But the event is triggered only and only when I click, not after, when the element is still the last interacted object.

You can find out which element currently has focus by consulting


This has good browser compatibility .

Don't put this in a while loop as in your example, though, or you'll lock up the browser's thread of execution. If you must check this periodically, consider using setTimeout .

Maybe you can use the onblur event. With that you can detect if the user "removes" the active state of a link or button.


Maybe you could try something like this:

const Ham_Button = document.querySelector('button');

let hamIsActive = false;

Ham_button.addEventListener('click', () => {
    if(hamIsActive) {
         // do stuff, add styles...
         hamIsActive = false; // to add a toggle functionality
    } else {
         // do stuff, add styles...
         hamIsActive = true; // to add a toggle functionality

You have the mousedown event fired once each time the button is pressed.

You also have the mouseup event fired once each time the button is released.

you can't use a while loop since it would block the main thread but you can setup a tick loop (fired roughly every 16ms, or 60 times per second)

 const btn = document.getElementById('btn'); const counterDown = document.getElementById('counter_down'); let totalTimeDown = 0; let downRequestId; let lastTimeDown = 0; function loopDown(time) { if (lastTimeDown) { const dt = time - lastTimeDown; totalTimeDown += dt; counterDown.innerHTML = (totalTimeDown / 1000).toFixed(2); } lastTimeDown = time; downRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(loopDown); } function onMouseDown() { downRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(loopDown); } function onMouseUp() { lastTimeDown = 0; cancelAnimationFrame(downRequestId); } btn.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown); btn.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); // SAME LOGIC FOR FOCUS/BLUR const counterFocus = document.getElementById('counter_focus'); let totalTimeFocused = 0; let focusRequestId; let lastTimeFocus = 0; function loopFocus(time) { if (lastTimeFocus) { const dt = time - lastTimeFocus; totalTimeFocused += dt; counterFocus.innerHTML = (totalTimeFocused / 1000).toFixed(2); } lastTimeFocus = time; focusRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(loopFocus); } function onFocus() { focusRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(loopFocus); } function onBlur() { lastTimeFocus = 0; cancelAnimationFrame(focusRequestId); } btn.addEventListener('focus', onFocus); btn.addEventListener('blur', onBlur);
 button:focus { outline: 1px solid blue; } button:active { outline: 1px solid red; }
 <button id="btn">press me</button> <div>time pressed: <span id="counter_down">0</span>s</div> <div>time focused: <span id="counter_focus">0</span>s</div>

Note that you can switch for focus and blur events if that's what you are looking for

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