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Passing Values between two components in Angular

I am trying to pass values from one component to other components, so far i have refereed some tuts and created my code but still facing issue.

I have following code in my SelectComponent.ts

    export class SelectComponent implements OnInit {
 user: LoginUser
 selectLicences = [
  { name: 'Control', id: 1, isChecked: false, quantity: 1 },
  { name: 'Complete', id: 2, isChecked: false, quantity: 1 },


i want to access ControlQuantity and CompleteQuanitiy in my other "buyerComponent"

here is buyerComponent.ts

    export class BuyerComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy,AfterViewInit {​
@ViewChild('selectProducts', {​ read: SelectComponent, static: false }​)
selectProducts: SelectComponent

ngOnInit() {

stackblitz link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-umje3g ?

You have two alternatives:

  1. You can use a singleton service:
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class SharedService {
  sharedValue = 1
export class Component1 implements OnInit {
  public get prop(): number {
    return this.service.sharedValue;
  constructor(private service: SharedService) { }
export class Component2 implements OnInit {
  public get prop(): number {
    return this.service.sharedValue;
  constructor(private service: SharedService) { }
  1. You have to use the parent component as a data-bridge

The parent (bridge component)

Note that the parent is not doing a lot of stuff but providing bindings between the shared data between children.

export class ParentComponent implements OnInit {

  value = 2
  onChangeValueFromChildren(newValue: number) { 
    this.value = newValue

Any of the children components

export class Child1 implements OnInit {

  @Output valueUpdated = new EventEmitter<number>();
  onClick() { 

You can refer to the official documentation. https://angular.io/guide/inputs-outputs#sending-data-to-a-child-component

You can pass data to your child component via @Input() decorator.

export class buyerComponent implements OnInit{
    @Input() CompleteQuantity:number
    @Input() ControlQuantity:number
    ngOnInit() {

In your HTML page, you can pass data via the child component's selector tag.

Update: After seeing the code.

  • In AppModule, remove the BuyerComponent and Products components from Import and add them to the declaration array.

  • In Buyer.component.html the tag is incorrect. Correct tag is "app-products" instead of "app-select-products".

  • Add these as @Input() in the products component class

     @Input() CompleteQuantity:number @Input() ControlQuantity:number
  • Rename the existing Output() variables to another name in the products.component.ts class.

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