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Conditional Rendering the components, Next.js style broken on first load

I am using Ant Design and Custom Stylesheet. On first load style is broken, but when I visit another page and come back to broken page, now it looks fine. So the problem is only on the first load. It's on the development server, I have been clear all cache. But still the same issue.

Here is the screenshot how it's looking like after first load


Here is the correct style after I come back from another page


Here is the code how I am rendering the components:

  {jwToken || role === "restaurant_owner" ? (
      <Index />
  ) : (
      <Login />

I had a simliar issue, the way I fixed it was to add a mounted variable that depended on the condition. So it looks this.

// Not sure how you pass the condition, I'm assuming hooks
const { condition } = someHook()

const [mounted, setMounted] = useState()

useEffect(() => {
   return () => setMounted(false)
}, [condition]);

return (
       {mounted && condition && <Component/>

As to why this happens, I suspect it has to do with SSR (I found simliar issue on Github but for Material-UI ) and my solution forces the condition to be available only during the browser.

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