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Generic type requires 1 type argument(s) error

I have an abstract class like:

export abstract class CsvFileReader<T> {
  data: T[] = []

  constructor(public file: string) {}

  abstract mapRow(row: string[]): T

  read() {
    this.data = this.file
      .map((row: string): string[] => {
        return row.split(',')

and a class that extends above abstract class:

type matchData = [Date, string, string, number, number, MatchResualts, string]

export class MatchReader extends CsvFileReader<matchData> {
  mapRow(row: string[]): matchData {
    return [
      row[5] as MatchResualts,

I create reader just like this:

const reader = new MatchReader(Matches)

but i get this error: Generic type 'CsvFileReader' requires 1 type argument(s).

any solution?

Sorry my first answer was wrong.

you need to do something like this: const reader: CsvFileReader<matchData> = new MatchReader(Matches)

Does this work?

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