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I am getting mutation of state error between dispatches from redux

i am getting the following error:

A state mutation was detected between dispatches, in the path 'notifications.adhans.AsrAdhan'. This may cause incorrect behavior. ( https://redux.js.org/style-guide/style-guide#do-not-mutate-state )]

Following is my notifications reducer in notifications.ts file.

  import {
} from "./../constants";

export const initialState = {
  reminderToggle: true,
  adhanToggle: true,
  adhans: {
    FajrAdhan: false,
    DhuhrAdhan: true,
    AsrAdhan: false,  //--->getting mutation error for this
    MaghribAdhan: true,
    IshaAdhan: true,
  reminders: {
    FajrReminder: false,
    DhuhrReminder: false,
    AsrReminder: true,
    MaghribReminder: false,
    IshaReminder: true,
    SunriseReminder: true,
    MidnightReminder: false,

export default (state = initialState, action: AnyAction): notificationsT => {
  switch (action.type) {
      return {
        reminderToggle: action.payload,
      return {
        adhanToggle: action.payload,
    case SET_ADHAN:
      return {
        adhans: {
          [action.payload.key]: action.payload.value,
    case SET_REMINDER:
      return {
        reminders: {
          [action.payload.key]: action.payload.value,

      return { ...action.payload };  

      return state;

error stack points at src\screens\Home.tsx:127:14 in RestoreState.

Following is the relevant code for Home.tsx

import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage";
import * as actionTypes from "../store/constants";
import { initialState as notifInitState } from "../store/reducers/notifications";

 const updatedNotificationsstate = { ...notifInitState };
 const adhanKeys = Object.keys(notifInitState.adhans);
const keysArray = [
      ...//other state keys

 const Home = ({ navigation }) => {
  const dispatch = useAppDispatch();

  //When component mounts on start, Restore the redux state
  React.useEffect(() => {
    const RestoreState = async () => {

         const savedState = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keysArray);
         savedState.forEach(([key, value]) => {

          if (adhanKeys.includes(key))
            return (updatedNotificationsstate.adhans[key] = JSON.parse(value));


        type: actionTypes.RESTORE_NOTIFICATIONS,
        payload: updatedNotificationsstate,

  }, []);


  return (

export default Home;

what am i doing wrong here???

Please note I have removed typesrcipt types for javascript coders convenience.

updatedNotificationsstate.adhans[key] = JSON.parse(value) looks to be a mutation.

You've correctly created a shallow copy of updatedNotificationsstate but all the elements are still references to the originals in state, ie updatedNotificationsstate.adhans is a reference to the previous state. You must also shallow copy any nested state properties that are being updated.

if (adhanKeys.includes(key)) {
  return (updatedNotificationsstate.adhans = { // <-- new object reference                            
    ...updatedNotificationsstate.adhans,       // <-- shallow copy previous
    [key]: JSON.parse(value)                   // <-- update property

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