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expression expected and Syntax error: Unexpected token jsx nextjs

To render a table from array I used

const Posts: NextPage = ({ posts}: any) => {
  return (
           posts.map((post: any) => {
           const _date = new Date(post.expiryDate);
           const _expiryDate = `${_date.getFullYear()}-${_date.getMonth()}-${_date.getDay()}`;
           return <tr key={post._id} onClick={() => showDetails(post)}>

And this works perfectly. On click of any row I pass the post data to new component to show the details.

So on the detail page I am using


  <td className="table-key">Expiry</td>
  <td className="table-value">{post.expiryDate}</td>
    const _date = new Date(post.expiryDate);
    const _expiryDate = `${_date.getFullYear()}-${_date.getMonth()}-${_date.getDay()}`;
    return <td className="table-value">{_expiryDate}</td>;

but this is showing Expression expected and on the console

Syntax error: Unexpected token

On the list page same kind of expression is working? What is the issue?

In your error case, you are using {} in JSX which is Embedding Expressions in JSX

Using a {} inside jsx is similar to return({}) , just like in normal js, you can't declare a new variable there, but with another map, filter you can.

This will throw an error because this expression is invalid inside that {} .

You would need to render your code block inside another function:

const renderExpiryDate = () => {
    const _date = new Date(post.expiryDate);
    const _expiryDate = `${_date.getFullYear()}-${_date.getMonth()}-${_date.getDay()}`;
    return <td className="table-value">{_expiryDate}</td>;

Then bring it down to JSX:

  <td className="table-key">Expiry</td>
  <td className="table-value">{post.expiryDate}</td>

In the first case, you won't get a similar error because your expression is inside a map function which is normal javascripts.

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