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How to access a type's implemented static abstract interface members by having only a type without using reflection?

How to access a type's implemented static abstract interface members by having only a type and using the interface type itself? Any way to do that? I'm not talking about accessing static members via reflection.


public interface ISomeInterface
   static int SomeProperty {get; set;}

public class SomeClass : ISomeInterface
   static abstract int SomeProperty {get; set;} = 2;

var implementingType = typeof(SomeClass);

ISomeInterface interface = /* How? */ 

Is there any way of getting the value without using the common way by using reflection to acces a static member like this

void Method {
   var value = typeof(SomeClass).GetProperty("SomeProperty").GetValue(null);
   value = typeof(ISomeInterface).GetProperty("SomeProperty").GetValue(null);

Casting is a concept which only works with instances so it cannot be used for Type definitions.

After thinking again over the question and what I wanted to do, the answer is no.

There is no way of using the interface type to access the overridden value of a static abstract interface member in an implementing class other than reflection and accessing the static prop by using


Edit: SO is not the place for suggestions, but I thought about something like:

ISomeInterface a = (ISomeInterface)typeof(SomeImplementingClass);
var value = a.SomeInterface.SomeProperty;


var value = typeof(SomeImplementingClass).As<ISomeInterface>().SomeProperty;
var value = ISomeInterface.FromType<SomeImplementingClass>().SomeProperty;

...where '.As()' throws an exception if the interface isnt implemented. Both of these examples aren't supported.

First, abstract keyword should be applied to interface method, not class. If interface method is not abstract your question is pointless anyway.

Static abstract interface methods are irrevelant here because you cant call any static method without specifying type name, in other words you cant call static methods on instances.

Fallowing is my approach to your question, which is as almost as fast as direct call (it cant be inlined though.) Using static readonly managed function pointers to hold constructed method addresses we can avoid delegate object creation and method address will be treated as constant value by jit but no need to complicate things here..

class Program

    public interface ISomeInterface
        abstract static int SomeProperty { get; set; }

    public class SomeClass : ISomeInterface
        static int ISomeInterface.SomeProperty { get; set; } = 2;

    public class SomeClass2 : ISomeInterface
        static int ISomeInterface.SomeProperty { get; set; } = 3;

    public static int GetProp<T>() where T : ISomeInterface
        return T.SomeProperty;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var obj = System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(typeof(SomeClass)) as ISomeInterface;
        //obj.SomeProperty <= no hopes here..

        var methodDefinitation = typeof(Program).GetMethod(nameof(GetProp), System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);

        var @delegate = methodDefinitation.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(SomeClass)).CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<int>)) as Func<int>;
        var @delegate2 = methodDefinitation.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(SomeClass2)).CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<int>)) as Func<int>;
        var result1 = @delegate(); //2
        var result2 = @delegate2(); //3

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