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Failed to enroll admin user "admin" from Hyperledger Fabric 2.2

I'm trying to run the enrolladmin.js, but I'm receiving this error:

Failed to enroll admin user "admin": TypeError: Cannot read property 'newFileSystemWallet' of undefined

The error shows Wallets as undefined at line:

const wallet = await Wallets.newFileSystemWallet(walletPath);

From the enrolladmin.js:

"use strict";
const FabricCAServices = require("fabric-ca-client");
const { Wallets } = require("fabric-network");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");

async function main() {
  try {
    // load the network configuration
    const ccpPath = path.resolve(
    const ccp = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(ccpPath, "utf8"));

    // Create a new CA client for interacting with the CA.
    const caInfo = ccp.certificateAuthorities["ca.org1.example.com"];
    const caTLSCACerts = caInfo.tlsCACerts.pem;
    const ca = new FabricCAServices(
      { trustedRoots: caTLSCACerts, verify: false },
    // Create a new file system based wallet for managing identities.
    const walletPath = path.join(process.cwd(), "wallet");
    const wallet = await Wallets.newFileSystemWallet(walletPath);

    // Check to see if we've already enrolled the admin user.
    const identity = await wallet.get("admin");
    if (identity) {
        'An identity for the admin user "admin" already exists in the wallet'

    // Enroll the admin user, and import the new identity into the wallet.
    const enrollment = await ca.enroll({
      enrollmentID: "admin",
      enrollmentSecret: "adminpw",
    const x509Identity = {
      credentials: {
        certificate: enrollment.certificate,
        privateKey: enrollment.key.toBytes(),
      mspId: "Org1MSP",
      type: "X.509",
    await wallet.put("admin", x509Identity);
      'Successfully enrolled admin user "admin" and imported it into the wallet'
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Failed to enroll admin user "admin": ${error}`);


These are the current versions from what I'm using:

  • fabric_version: 2.2.0
  • fabric-ca_version 1.4.7
  • node: v12.15.0
  • npm: 6.13.4

Does anyone know if I'm missing or should change anything?

I tried and it is working. Just check the version of fabric.network library you are using. newFileSystemWallet is in the latest version. Here is the versions I am using -

"fabric-ca-client": "^2.2.11", "fabric-client": "^1.4.19", "fabric.network": "^2.2.11"

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