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Error when creating a parameter in Parameter Store that stores an ImageID of an AMI built in the same Cloudformation template

I receive this error when running the cloudformation template: CREATE_FAILED: Stabilizing the parameter creation for parameter /GS/web:1

Below is the code for the resource creation of the parameter and the policies, both in the resources section:

- PolicyName: SSMCreation
      Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: Allow
            - ssm:DescribeParameters
            - ssm:AddTagsToResource
            - ssm:GetParameter
            - ssm:GetParameters
            - ssm:GetParametersByPath
            - ssm:GetParameterHistory
            - ssm:PutParameter
            - ssm:LabelParameterVersion
            - ssm:DeleteParameter
            - ssm:DeleteParameters
            - !Sub "arn:${AWS::Partition}:ssm:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:parameter/*"

Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter
  Type: String
  DataType: aws:ec2:image
  Name: /GS/web
  Value: !GetAtt CustomImage.ImageId

Add a waitCondition to imageCreation Lambda


Image creation will take a while and SSM parameter creation may happen before ImageId is available (lambda creation would succeed and dependency will succeed but has to happen after custom lambda executes)

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