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Does GitHub flavored markdown, as rendered by kramdown have a maximum number of nested lists?

I am trying to render a markdown document with kramdown. The document has 4 levels of nested lists but the third and fourth levels are rendering as one list. Is there a limit to the number of nested lists in GitHub flavored markdown?

1. item 1

    * item 1.1
    * item 1.2

1. item 2

    * item 2.1

    1. item 2.1.1
    1. item 2.1.2

        * item
        * item

Each level of indent should use the same number of spaces. For the subitems under item 1 use appear to be using 4 spaces. However, for the first level of indent under item 2 you only use 3 (rather than 4), for the second level of indent you are only using 5 (rather than 8), and for the third level you are using 8 (rather than 12). If you adjust your indentation, then you should not have any more issues.

1. item 1

    * item 1.1
    * item 1.2

1. item 2

    * item 2.1

        1. item 2.1.1
        1. item 2.1.2

            * item
            * item

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