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How to solve Amplify backend-config.json does not exist issue

I upgraded Amplify CLI, but I discovered in my amplify/backend/backend-config.json file has disappeared after taking a day to discovered that. Then I have tried running amplify init again with the options to continue with my existing environment or new environment, and I have tried both but still got the same error

Error: File at path: 'C:\Users\BEN\documents\TinderClone\amplify\backend\backend-config.json' does not exist

What do I do to solve this error (to get the backend-config.json back).


I was able to solve this by using the amplify pull then navigating to the #current-cloud-backend and copying the file from there to the directory needed.

I've solved the issue after more than 24 hours of frustration looking for the solution. In my C:\Users\BEN.amplify\bin I deleted the bin folder, and I upgraded the amplify CLI using:- "curl -sL https://aws-amplify.github.io/amplify-cli/install-win -o install.cmd && install.cmd" After the download and installation I restarted my system. That solved the backend-config.json does not exist issue.

I hope this works for you if you have this same issue.

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