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Angular: get changes from input()

I have a component named ftn-popin-opener

<label>{{ selectedValue }}</label>

where selectedValue is an Input()

@Input() selectedValue: string;

Inside another component where I use the ftn-popin-opener, I would like to detect every time when the Input() selectedValue changes:

   [selectedValue]='professionalSituation | titlecase'>

I tried with ngOnChanges() but does not work

  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {

You have to use ngOnChanges life cycle method in the component where there is @Input, in your case you have to use it in popin-opener component

I am not sure how professionalSituation is handle in your parent component, but, what you could do in your ftn-popin-opener component is having an @Input setter like this:

export class FtnPopinOpenerComponent {
  myValue!: string;
  @Input() set selectedValue(value: string) {
     this.myValue = value;

In your template HTML:

<label>{{ myValue }}</label>

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