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Handling SSH Keys for Multiple Users on Terraform-managed AWS EC2 SSH Bastion Instance

I have a stack of AWS infrastructure managed with Terraform. There is an EC2 SSH Bastion instance used by multiple users to access private ephemeral EC2 instances that are used for a variety of batch processing tasks.

Terraform provides a mechanism to include a single SSH key to an EC2 instance on creation, however I am trying to find a solution, preferably but not necessarily Terraform-based, that would allow the management of multiple users for the SSH Bastion.

Is there a solution allowing the SSH Bastion to use the SSH keys associated with IAM users such that when (for example) bob attempts to SSH to the Bastion, the Bastion can use the public key associated with bob should bob belong to the correct group, have the correct permission, have the right tag, or some other identifying feature?

And if the above question implies the wrong approach to the problem, is there a better way to look at and solve the problem?

Thank you in advance.

If i understand this right you are asking 2 questions here:

Q1. Is there a way to automatically add users to a bastion and set their ssh credentials?

Yes you can do that with a userdata script that will run during the ec2 creation time.

The script should add the users. Assuming you run linux on you bastion server the snippet to add users would be something like

useradd -m -s /bin/bash <username>
mkdir /home/<username>/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/<username>/.ssh/

Copy the ssh key from a pre-determined location. In my case i have ssh 
public keys for users in an S3 bucket (hey they are public keys)
aws s3 cp s3://path/pub-keys/user-id_rsa.pub /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys

chmod 640 /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown -R <username>:<group> /home/<username>/.ssh/

Add the user to some group
usermod -a -G <somegroup> <username>

Q2. Can AWS IAM credentials be used for ssh on some sort of single sign on? For this I'd recommend to read the documentation below as there are several things involved, including the distribution you are using. But I am not sure this is a good solution for the scenario you described.



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