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Activity starts with onResume but next onPause

I have a strange behavior of Activity in complicated legacy code. In LoginActivity I want to start some PromotionActivity but just after onResume it goes to onPause . As this app has some ActivityUtils in one of its numerous libraries - I used another approach: I called one default PublicActivity and passed a fragment there. It looks like

        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put("fragmentName", PromotionFragment.class.getName());
        ActivityUtils.showActivity(activity, PublicActivity.class, params);

And all is shown without problems. To understand why this works, I copied PublicActivity from a library to the main folder as a PublicActivity2 and tried to launch it but failed again. I did different changes, even extended PublicActivity2 from PublicActivity

    public class PublicActivity2 extends PublicActivity {}

    ActivityUtils.showActivity(activity, PublicActivity2.class, params);

but again failed.

How is it possible that PublicActivity is shown without problems but PublicActivity2 which is extended from PublicActivity and used in the same showActivity method - only goes to onResume and immediately goes to onPause ?

I found the issue. As it's complicated legacy code with numerous libraries I didn't notice that there is some Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks in one of them which listen lifecycle of activities and compare every launched activity with a list of permitted ones. So, I found that list, added my activity and all works fine.

I didn't find it quickly because it was passed from a library to main app as another interface which extends needed one, luckily searching through the app with a word Lifecycle I found getApplication().registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new Analytics().getActivityLifecycleCallbacks()) So, for this weird situation when your activity immediately finishes after launching without any visible reason - my advice is to look for this ActivityLifecycleCallbacks

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