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WSO2 API Manager - PizzaShack site giving HTTP 500 Internal Error after login

So yesterday I was having some issues with login authentication on the login page of the "Pizza Shack" application in WSO2 API Manager, and couldn't find answers anywhere, so I came here and asked, I got help and everything worked fine. Here's my question from yesterday issue so you can understand my actual problem a little better:

Problems with authentication login in Pizza Shack WSO2 API Manager

So, after I log-in on the PizzaShack site, it appears to me in the index.jsp page:

HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error

I'm actually a beginner in WSO2 API Manager so I dont really understand that much about what is causing this error and why. I tried searching for this error and found things that I dont understand very well, so, if anyone can help me, I appreciate it. Here's the error on CMD:`

ERROR - [jsp] Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context with path [/pizzashack] threw exception [An exception occurred processing [index.jsp] at line [145]
142:             <ul class="thumbnails">
143:             <%
144:                    MenuItemManager manager = new MenuItemManager();
145:                    List<Pizza> menuItems = manager.getAvailablePizzaList(token);
146:                    String serverURL = PizzaShackWebConfiguration.getInstance().getServerURL();
147:                %>
148:             <%

This error is produced due to the missing Pizzashack API WAR. I believe, that you have removed and replaced the existing am#sample#pizzashack#v1.war as instructed in your previous question .

If yes, then you have to put back the removed am#sample#pizzashack#v1.war inside the <apim>/repository/deployment/server/webapps directory along with the newly built WAR artifact (which is pizzashack.war ). If you have missed to take a backup of the existing am#sample#pizzashack#v1.war , try getting the same webapp from a fresh WSO2 API Manager 4.0.0 pack and deploy it. At the end, you will be having both the following WAR artifacts inside the /webapps directory of your pack

  1. am#sample#pizzashack#v1.war : which is already in the 4.0.0 pack
  2. pizzashack.war : which is built from the Product APIM Repo

Once after deploying the webapps as instructed, start the API Manager server, and navigate to and open <apim>/repository/deployment/server/webapps/pizzashack/WEB-INF/web.xml and make the following changes

  • Update the loginURL as http://localhost:9763/oauth2/token if this has not been changed previously
  • Update the consumerKey and consumerSecret with the correct Consumer credentials that you have generated from Devportal

Save the artifact, wait for a while to apply the changes. Once applied successfully (you will see an INFO log in the carbon logs), you can try accessing the Pizza Shack Portal by going to the http://localhost:9763/pizzashack

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