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Rendering React components inside another div

In React is it ok to render another component inside a div like this? And does the key go on the div?

dataArray.map((data) => {
       return (<div key = {data.id}>
                 <Person data = {data} />

Yes. Your approach is correct. For this, each data object in your dataArray must have a field called id (or you could use some other UUID value). Else, a simpler approach could be using the object index in the iterated array:

    dataArray.map((data,id) => {
       return (<div key = {id}>
                 <Person data = {data} />

Yes, this is the approach which is usually followed. However, you should always use key attribute or react will give warnings in the console.

You can do so considering the following:-

    dataArray.map((data, index) => {
        return (
            <div key = {index}>
                <Person data = {data} />

If Person already returns jsx, then you can just do this if there is already an id in the data:

dataArray.map(data => <Person key={data.id} data={data} />)

If not, you can use Ankit Sanghvi's technique:

dataArray.map((data, idx) => <Person key={data.idx} data={data} />)

Doing it this way gets rid of the extra nesting divs. I sense from your example that you think you need divs just to hold the key in the map but you actually don't.

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